Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pelosi the Erudite Explains that Prop 8 Passed Because Californians Were Just Confused

Al Mohler discusses the Proposition 8 aftermath:

Meanwhile, Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi told The San Francisco Chronicle that voters just have misunderstood the measure. In a stunning demonstration of political condescension, Rep. Pelosi argued: “Unfortunately, I think people thought they were making a statement about what their view of same-sex marriage was . . . . I don’t know if it was clear that this meant that we are amending the Constitution to diminish freedom in our state.” If anything, the wording of the proposition, controversial in itself, makes the Speaker’s point even more ludicrous. Is she seriously suggesting that the voters of her home state cannot be taken seriously when they defend marriage? It appears so.

1 comment:

Michael Ejercito said...

Unfortunately, I think people thought they were making a statement about what their view of same-sex marriage was .
Of course that was what people thought, because that was exactly what people were doing .