Thursday, November 13, 2008

Leviathan's Role in Creating the Same Sex Marriage Problem

This is a very interesting perspective on the same sex marriage issue and the problems associated with it. It was written just after the Cal Supremes overturned Proposition 22.

This is the real issue: Why does ANYONE require a State-Issued license, blood test and fee in order to have a religious ceremony for the purpose of promising to spend their lives together? Why is there a group of subsidies and tax breaks in place for the benefit of people who chose to partake in this life choice? Why is there a Government in existence with the power to make such laws and decisions and then set them in such a way that we end up with a contentious issue that so divides us and creates such resentment and intolerance?

This entire issue and all its side effects are the fault of The State. The State set up certain subsidies for married couples. The State failed to make these subsidies and legal rights available to gay couples. The State allowed campaigns to be waged to “ban” gay marriage and The State allowed challenges to be brought before its judges who overturned the bans. The result? More resentment and dischord.

My point is, WITHOUT THE STATE, WE WOULD NOT BE HAVING THIS ARGUMENT. People would be free to associate in any way that they so please without interference from clerks, judges, lawyers, legislators, or tax collectors. People could marry or not marry without having to consider the tax benefits or penalties associated with such a decision. The transferability of a retirement account or health plan would be negotiated between spouse and employer, and there would be no Leviathan to come around and steal 50% of it in the event of a spouse’s death.

It is genius, really, how The State has set us against each other in a way that acts to legitimize its almighty authority. You see, every time you get red in the face towards someone who disagrees with your position, you don’t win the argument. Neither does your opponent. The State wins, for you have been discussing how the Boss should treat his underlings when you should have been discussing nothing more than how free people should treat each other.

More here.

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