Sunday, November 23, 2008

Anti-Defamation League Condemns No Crowd Protests for Targeting Specific Religion

On an earlier post I asked where the Anti-Defamation League was in condemning the No Crowd's behavior toward Mormons and other religions. The ADL was supportive of the No Crowd and condemning of Proposition 8. I wanted to know why the ADL was not consistent in defending rights. Turns out the ADL has greatly surprised me and I must give credit where credit is due. The ADL issued the following statement re the No Crowd's protests:

"Although we strongly opposed Proposition 8, its passage does not justify the defacement and destruction of property. We urge Californians to channel their frustration and disappointment in productive and responsible ways to work towards full equality for all Americans. To place anyone in fear of threat to their houses of worship or their personal security because they have expressed deeply held religious views is contrary to everything this nation represents. Our Constitution's First Amendment protects freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion for all of us."

For other similar statements from opponents of Prop 8, read here.

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