Friday, October 24, 2008

When Did Our Biggest Concern About SSM Become the Potential Consequences in Public Schools?

Both sides of the Prop 8 fence have been focusing on the potential consequences of SSM on public school children. The Yes side argues that if Prop 8 fails, the public schools will start teaching that SSM is normal and on par with traditional marriage. The No Crowd argues that SSM will not be taught in public schools and that SSM will have no effect whatsoever on public school children. I agree that the potential for normalizing SSM through public school curricula is a concern, but why is that the only consequence of which the Yes side is complaining? I have a few others that I believe merit more attention.

First, SSM is contrary to natural law. Our entire system of government is based on natural law. The U.S. Constitution, the California Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence were all derived from natural law. To accept and legitimize SSM vanquishes the foundation on which our culture and laws reside. When this happens we will have no foundation. Our society will become a rule of man rather than a rule of law and we will lose our liberties.

Second, SSM is immoral. Why is nobody talking about this? Homosexual acts are wrong, period. There is no moral relativity. There is right and wrong. By recasting their acts as "fundamental rights" and "civil rights" the No Crowd attempts to take the higher ground, but you can call "debauchery" "virtue" all you want, but it will always be debauchery.

Third, a society that accepts, advocates, and builds-up SSM will not survive. History has proven this time and time again. It is self-destructive. Do we look back at the Greeks and Romans with admiration for their tolerance of homosexual relationships? Or do we wonder how those cultures came to the point of encouraging such relationships even though it meant their demise? Do we want to model our society after Sodom and Gomorrah? Or do we want to avoid that same fate?

Fourth, SSM will eventually destroy real fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and association and parental and children's rights. SSM proponents will not be satisfied with being treated "equally" regarding marriage. Instead, they will next attempt to silence any opposition to their degeneracy, which will result in persecution of those whose faith or reason will not permit accepting SSM as equal to traditional marriage.

Fifth, SSM is unfair to children. Everyone knows that children should have a father and a mother. Every study ever made has demonstrated that a family environment where a father and mother who love each other are present is the best environment for children. SSM cannot ever provide such a foundation to raise children. Instead, children raised in SSM households will be more likely to have gender confusion and an inability to recognize right from wrong.

Sixth, only traditional marriage can produce children. The true family unit, therefore, is the only unit that makes and preserves a society. SSM, on the other hand, destroys it. SSM produces no children, and therefore, is an institution that is destined to implode.

There are many more reasons why SSM is harmful and wrong, but I wanted to touch upon only a few here. Please feel free to share your thoughts on other reasons and I'll be happy to post them here.

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