Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Latest No Prop 8 Commercial - A Hypocritical Misrepresentation

You've probably seen the latest commercial produced by the No Crowd asking voters to help keep government out of all of our lives. When I first saw this I couldn't help myself but think "so hypocritical."

It is the No Crowd who has forced the government into this issue. SSM is not a natural right with which every human soul is born. Instead, it is a judicially created man-made right. The "right" to SSM has never existed prior to judicial intervention, nor could it because it is prohibited by natural law. As Thomas Aquinas recognized, any man-made law that contradicts the natural law is void at its inception.

It was the No Crowd who sought the government's help through the courts to destroy traditional marriage. It is the No Crowd who filed lawsuits as an attack to traditional families.

We who support Proposition 8 are reacting the only way we can - by fighting fire with fire. The No Crowd used the Judicial branch to undermine marriage. We are using the Legislative branch to restore that which is recognized by natural law and which the people already proclaimed to be the law.

Thus, please see the commercial posted below for what it is: a hypocritical misrepresentation. We are happy to leave homosexuals alone and let them live their lives. We have no intent to prevent them from exercising their free will. The No Crowd, however, is not satisfied with our tolerance. Now they require that we accept and condone what we consider to be wrong - and they have used the government to force us to do it.

Make your voice heard. Let's really keep the government out of our lives by passing Proposition 8.

1 comment:

Patrick Meighan said...

"We are happy to leave homosexuals alone and let them live their lives. We have no intent to prevent them from exercising their free will."

Unless their free will calls them to marry each other, in which case, yes, you do intend to prevent them from exercising their free will.

Patrick Meighan
Culver City, CA